
My Virtual Office

My virtual office is made possible by offering you a secure, HIPPA compliant space for us to meet. The platform is encrypted, meaning that it is not possible to record or to transcode the media. Furthermore, the platform offers a waiting room, ensuring that your time is private and confidential (and you will not see any other clients within my practice).

Join Me In My Virtual Office !

Frequently Asked Questions

Sessions are usually 45 minutes. Most clients are seen once a week in the beginning, then, as time goes on, less frequently. The number of sessions depends on what your current needs are.
The length of time a client is in counseling depends the nature of the problem and the goals of the counseling. Some clients have a very specific problem that can be worked through in a set course of counseling. For others, counseling is an on-going learning process and they choose to receive counseling for a longer period.
I offer a variety of modalities for payment. I prefer Square, however I will also accept Venmo or PayPal. Typically clients provide me with payment information that I keep on file and bill after each session. If you would like to make other arrangements, please discuss this with me.
I have decided to not reopen my brick and mortar business. The COVID-19 pandemic has shifted the way in which telehealth services are offered and approved by state licensing boards. Therefore, I have decided to maintain my practice in its current virtual session, indefinitely.
At this time, I am not accepting insurance. All sessions are offered via private pay.
The best way is to email me at and I can personally and privately discuss your situation with you and set up an appointment. Or, if you prefer, you can use the online “Contact” form.

Telehealth tips

To protect the confidentiality of your telehealth session, please do not record any audio or video from your session or use screen capture software while your session is in progress.
Be sure that you’re using the most up-to-date version of your web browser (Chrome, Firefox, Safari, or Edge).
Connect to ethernet or a strong, private WiFi signal.
Consider using headphones so that you can avoid voice echo during your session.