Social distancing, isolation, lockdown, job loss and constant state of uncertainty have significantly influenced people’s mental health, resulting in a substantial increase in depression, anxiety, persistent stress, emotional problems, eating disorders and, most importantly trauma and suicidal ideation. Health care and mental health centers are equipped to focus on emergencies, therefore the significance of teletherapy has gained notable attention due to its ability to support both private individuals and these largerĀ  facilities in a uniquely flexible manner.

Teletherapy works in a variety of ways: First, at a basic diagnosis and treatment level. In this modality, the client would sends their information to the clinician in the form of documents, photographs, reports to health professionals, so they can be assessed, diagnosed and treated. The other use of telehealth platforms encompass’ how Dr. Kline uses technology – in a traditional (although virtual) way of conducting psychotherapy. In this modality, Dr. Kline and her clients have real time interaction through video (audio is also available), using an encrypted, secure, HIPPA Compliant software program called “Sessions”.

Teletherapy services are offered with the severity of symptoms and mental health conditions accordingly. Dr. Kline feels that most people that benefit from traditional talk psychotherapy can also benefit from virtual teletherapy. Those symptoms/diagnoses may include (but are not limited to): anxiety, stress, emotional disability, low mood and persistent anger, depression, post traumatic stress disorder, mania, mood swings, panic attack and anxiety disorder. Some clients may not be appropriate for teletherapy. If this is the case, Dr. Kline will discuss this with you and provide a community referral.

Benefits of teletherapy:

  • Ease of access to licensed clinicians (clients can contact clinicians via websites, email, chat rooms, etc).
  • Elimination of travel constraints. I have had many clients meet with me in their vehicles, during their lunch break, or, my personal favorite, with their dogs in their backseat en route to the dog park. (Meeting client pets is one of the unexpected perks, for me, of teletherapy.)
  • Constant communication with clinicians leads to increased self-care, mindfulness, motivation and subjective well-being.

Potential limitations of teletherapy:

  • Connectivity – Healing is serious work, and takes a great deal of time to explore and practice. If someone struggles with stable internet connectivity, or the connection is lost this can negatively impact the spirit of the session.
  • Privacy – Lack of privacy between the therapist and the client during sessions. In the presence of others, people cannot openly express their concerns and feelings. So they anxious about their personal information. The natural environment is a useful tool for mental health, but its absence during online sessions plays an important role in reducing the importance of session, such as noise disturbance and diversion of attention etc.
  • To avoid some of these pitfalls, be sure to review my Telehealth Tips before your first session with your counselor!

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